Throughout Barna’s rich history of more than two million interviews worldwide and helping more than 150 organizations gain missional clarity and growth, we have learned a few things. We want to share what we are learning along the way.
As we confront the tragic death of Ahmaud Arbery, the community of Christians who comprise the Church has a responsibility to help.
The Connected Generation was presented to me as an opportunity to test and affirm or reject the messages we so often hear about the Millennial generation.
Whenever Barna releases findings from a study, one of our aims is that it might be easy to glimpse the person behind the percentage.
This fall marks the launch of The Connected Generation, a Barna-World Vision partnership offering an in-depth look at the faith of young adults today.
Our culture is in the midst of a complete revision of the ways we work—an amazing moment when, thanks to technological advancements, workers are both fearing for their jobs and facing unprecedented new opportunities to create the career of their dreams.